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倾听来自 Acala 社区志愿者的声音

Acala Acala Network 2020-11-11


Acala 自成立之初就希望围绕开放式金融建设一个多元化、公开、透明、协助、真正有价值的共享社区。最新一季 Acala TC4 测试网糖果节期间,Acala 全球社区渠道也新增了 35%,我们也从中邀请了积极参与 Acala 建设的社区成员接受了社区志愿者采访活动,并送上了 Acala 定制礼品。

如果你也想获得 Acala 定制礼品,欢迎你参与社区建设积极分享,相信在这里你肯定会有所收获,Acala 近期启动了全球大使计划,快来加入为 Acala 发声

         本期 Acala 社区志愿者


中国 985 大学硕士毕业


早期 Acala 社区成员


早期 Acala 社区成员


俄裔区块链 Youtuber

7760+粉丝 40w+播放量

早期 Acala 社区成员


区块链 Youtuber

1470+粉丝 10w+播放量

早期 Acala 社区成员


知名 Staking 节点服务商

 Acala POL 生态合作伙伴




南天海客:十年前,我从 985 大学硕士毕业,而后进入知名互联网公司上班,几年后,在朋友的邀请下,来到山水甲天下的桂林从事房地产行业。认识和了解加密货币是在2017年疯狂大牛市的时候在饭局上听朋友聊起,之所以吸引我特别的兴趣,是因为饭局上那位朋友说他有个朋友玩比特币赚了一大把钱,一下子全款买了好几套房。后面几天时间,了解了如何购买数字货币之后,便小仓位购买了一些比特币。当时好像只知道买比特币,因为对其它币一无所知。后面随着操作越来越熟悉,对数字货币的了解越来越深入,开始了牛市末期的各种神操作,结果可想而知,亏的一塌糊涂。以上大概就是我如何从对数字货币一无所知到逐渐了解的过程。


Cryptor:I worked in sales for most of my life but I quit my last job in early 2018 and since then I’m in crypto 24/7. I consider myself as a crypto enthusiast. I want to be involved in the blockchain revolution because I believe in the bright future of distributed ledger technologies. 


Claudio:My name is Claudio, I run a cryptocurrency Youtube channel called KryptosChain to educate people in the cryptocurrency space, anything from reviews, news, tutorials and also interviews. I’m an IT Developer by trade and I do have a full time job still. I first got into crypto in late 2017 and caught a passion for the blockchain technology and how it gives me freedom, but the wild price swings also attracted me to crypto as there is potential for extra income to be made.

我的名字是 Claudio,经营了 KryptosChain ——与加密市场相关的Youtube频道,指导人们去了解加密市场,包括评论、新闻、教程和采访。我是一名信息技术开发人员也是一名全职工作者。2017年末,我第一次进入加密行业,对区块链技术以及它如何给我自由,以及价差可能产生的巨额利润,都让我产生了研究热情。

Ryabina:Hi! We are Ryabina validator - a team of five crypto enthusiasts from Russia and Ukraine. Our members gained various experiences through their way in crypto: validating, mining, investing and developing economic models, tools and Dapps.More than 3 years we have been studying blockchain and investing our time and efforts in crypto. All this time we tried to be at the cutting edge of blockchain technologies, that is why we are really interested in promising projects like Acala Network.

我们是一个由来自俄罗斯和乌克兰的五个加密市场爱好者组成的团队。我们的成员通过他们在加密行业的经历获得了各种经验:验证、挖掘、投资和开发经济模型、工具和Dapps。三年多来,我们一直在研究区块链,并在加密行业方面投入了时间和精力。我们一直努力走在区块链技术的前沿,这就是为什么我们对像 Acala 这样有前途的项目感兴趣。

Q2:你是如何了解到 Acala ,最初了解到 Acala 令你印象最深刻的是什么,加入社群到如今你对 Acala 的印象产生了什么样的变化?

南天海客:最开始听说 Acala 项目应该是通过曹神的一篇介绍 Acala 的文章,当时看完文章之后感觉 Acala 这个项目非常有发展前景。不过令我印象特别深刻的应该是 Acala 是跨链金融基础设施这个,尤其是波卡跨链的概念,我感觉特别有机会在未来发展壮大。加入社群后,我参加了每一次的 Acala 糖果节活动,对 Acala 的了解也逐渐深入,由一开始的概念阶段,通过每次糖果节的手动操作,逐渐进入到全方面了解阶段,对 Acala 的各种功能也有了更加全面的了解,对 Acala 在 未来 DeFi 领域能够取得发展壮大更增添了几分自信。

哦:我是从一次 AMA 中了解到 Acala ,一开始我以为 Acala 只是一个简单的跨链资产抵押借贷平台,但逐步的深入了解后,我发现 Acala  整合了几乎所有的 DeFi 的功能,是一个不折不扣的集大成者,辅以优异的性能,能在使用中体验极致丝滑。

Cryptor:I took part in Polkadot’s public auction back in 2017 and I’m following its ecosystem since then. Acala Network got me very exciting because it’s building a financial hub for the whole Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem. Stable coins are an essential part of DeFi and Acala brings the concept of stable coins to another level with its cross-chain capabilities.

早在 2017 年,我就参加了 Polkadot 公募,从那以后就一直关注着它的生态。Acala 使我兴奋的点在于它正在为整个 Polkadot / Kusama 生态系统建立一个金融中心。稳定币是 DeFi 的重要组成部分,Acala 则通过其跨链能力将稳定币的概念提升到了另一个层次。

Claudio:I found out about Acala Network from a member in my community on Telegram who has been holding Kusama from the early days and is always keeping up to date with projects building on Polkadot, thus he heard of Acala Network.

我在 Telegram 上从我社区的一个成员那里了解到 Acala  ,他从早期就开始经营 Kusama ,并一直关注建设在 Polkadot 上的项目,进而了解到了 Acala 。

Ryabina:In 2017 we learned about Polkadot Network and even participated in 1CO, in December 2019 we launched our first validator in Kusama Network. Аt the same time we started to look at projects around Polkadot and met Acala Network. We knew something about Defi projects like Maker Dao. Thus, we realized that the Acala Network, as a Defi project on the substrate, has great potential and opportunities. What we did in the first turn - wrote a long letter to Acala and described our desire to be a part of this network.

2017年,我们了解了 Polkadot 网络,甚至也参与了 1CO,2019年12月,我们在 Kusama 网络推出了第一个验证器。与此同时,开始关注 Polkadot 的项目,并接触到了 Acala  ,后来我们知道一些关于 DeFi 消息,比如 Maker Dao。因此,我们意识到 Acala 作为一个基于 Substrate 的 DeFi 项目,具有巨大的潜力和机会。我们首先做的是——给 Acala 写了一封长信,阐述我们想成为其中一份子的愿望。

Q3:最近几周,我们看到了去中心化金融(DeFi)的蓬勃发展。最新数据显示,自6月初以来,DeFi 用户总数增长了23%,你如何看待 DeFi 热潮?未来你觉得会像哪些方向进行演化和发展?你觉得对用户来说目前的 DeFi 产品最大的问题在哪里?

南天海客:对于这段时间 DeFi 热潮,我觉得有两个方面的原因,其一是大众对去中心化金融的需求越来越强烈;其二是币圈的投机资金不甘寂寞,急需找一个突破口,而 DeFi 的出现可以说是恰逢其时。未来 DeFi ,我个人觉得会逐步取代传统金融的一些功能。对于用户来说,目前DeFi 产品最大的问题还是安全问题,最近频频出现的各种 DeFi 产品黑天鹅事件便可见一斑。

哦:这个热潮是没有理性的,在基础设施不完善的情况下,这种盲目的热潮显然是难以维持的。以太坊的性能天花板不突破,DeFi 终将难以真的爆发。

Cryptor:DeFi is a buzzword nowadays. I don’t like that most of the projects are trying to build the same old financial system on new technology instead of reinventing the system. The developer community needs to shift the focus. I’m pretty sure that devs can come up with some groundbreaking ideas in the financial sector. I also don’t like that with high transaction fees on Ethereum it’s almost unbearable to use DEXes and Lending protocols unless you’re a whale. The biggest challenges for users are scalability and therefore skyrocketing transaction fees and security because smart contracts are not the best way to build the DeFi products with. Even though I’m not a developer but I vividly understand that you can’t build products specifically tailored for the financial sector on the general-purpose software like Ethereum. That’s why I’m very bullish on Polkadot/Kusama DeFi ecosystem.

DeFi 真的是炙手可热。我并不喜欢大多数项目试图在新技术上建立同以往一样的旧金融体系,应该彻底改造这个体系。开发者社区需要转移焦点,完全可以在金融领域提出一些开创性的想法。我也不喜欢以太坊的高交易费用,除非你是“巨鲸”,否则使用成本是无法承担的。因为以太坊不是构建 DeFi 产品的最佳方式,故用户面临的最大挑战是可伸缩性,进而导致交易费用和安全性飙升。我尽管不是开发人员也清楚地知道,你不能在以太坊上构建专门为金融行业定制的产品,这就是为什么我非常看好 Polkadot / Kusama 生态系统。

Claudio:I think there is usually a temporary hype with everything in crypto, in 2017 it was the invest in anything to make a quick buck, 2019 the bear market and 2020 is DeFi & Oracles, likely going into 2021 as well. My personal opinion on the idea of DeFi is that it’s great to be able to take a loan whenever you want without waiting for a bank to approve it, but my concern is about the current limitation, in the sense that the loan cannot be more than the collateral. I understand companies can’t guarantee that a person taking a loan will pay it back, but I believe that when that challenge will be addressed, DeFi has a huge chance at becoming a success. After all, if a person wishes to take a loan, they normally do so because they don’t have enough capital (collateral) to take the loan. Hopefully one day there will be a way to use a person’s work contract as collateral and assurance, who knows!

我认为行业中常常都伴随着暂时的炒作,在2017年投资加密市场的任何项目都能赚到快钱,2019 年是熊市,而在2020年是DeFi & Oracles,可能进入2021年也是如此。我个人对 DeFi 概念的看法是, DeFi 的好处在于你可以随时获得贷款,而无需等待银行批准,但我担心的是目前系统的承载能力,不能出现资不抵债的局面。我知道传统公司不能保证贷款人的偿还能力,但我相信,这一问题一旦解决,DeFi 就很有机会成功。毕竟,如果一个人希望获得贷款,他们通常会通过向传统银行借贷,因为他们没有足够的加密资本来获得贷款。但愿未来有一种机制可以把劳动合同等也作为资产作为链上的抵押。

Ryabina:We can see now the first wave of Defi services, where still no established “rules of the game”, that’s why DeFi sector faced a lot of challenges, e.g. users with small balances can’t use DeFi due to huge gas in Ethereum (where the majority of DeFi projects are deployed today). On the other hand new projects emerge every day, and some of them are made in hurry, which brings critical vulnerability and with them financial losses and disappointment in the whole industry.Nevertheless from the user’s point of view it’s incredibly interesting to be a part of this industry on this early stage and see with our own eyes unlocking the huge potential of the DeFi idea.We think that a little later this market will become more rational. And we believe in the second wave of DeFi, that is going to be much bigger and more rationed than the current one.

我们现在可以看到第一波 DeFi 因为没有既定的“游戏规则”,这使得行业面临众多挑战,例如,由于以太坊的高昂手续费,资金量较小的用户不能使用 DeFi 。另一方面,每天都有新的项目出现,其中一些是快速完成的,这带来了致命的弱点和伴随而来的资金损失,以及大众对整个行业的失望。然而,在早期阶段成为行业的一员,并亲眼看到 DeFi 理念的巨大潜力被释放,从用户的角度来看这是非常有意思的一件事。我们认为过不了多久这个市场会变得更加理性。我们相信第二波 DeFi 将会比现在的规模大得多。

Q4:针对目前 DeFi 的问题,Acala 设计并实践了很多 DeFi 功能,如跨链多币种超额抵押稳定币协议,去中心化交易所 DeX ,Staking 资产流动性释放协议,以及存币生息等,你最喜欢或是最看好哪个功能呢?为什么

南天海客:在 DeFi 的诸多功能之中,我个人更加看好跨链多币种超额抵押稳定币协议,因为它将之前独立的单个种数字货币无缝的链接起来了,极大地促进了各个不同币种之间的相互流动,为未来数字货币的繁荣奠定了基础。

哦:最看好 DeX,交易所的尽头是去中心化交易所

Cryptor: First of all, Acala Bryan Chen contributed a lot to Polkadot, Kusama, Substrate, Polkadot.js, and more, so his technical skills are outstanding. The second thing I’m excited about is the ability to use any asset as a transaction fee. And the third one is Acala’s Stake Liquidity Protocol that allows assets to be in more than one place at the same time.

首先,Acala 的 Bryan Chen 对 Polkadot, Kusama, Substrate, Polkadot.js等都有很大贡献,可想而知他的技术非常出色。Acala 能够使用任何资产作为交易费用,这是使我激动的第二件事。第三个是 Acala 质押流动性协议使资产能够同时在多个场景中使用。

Claudio:The Self Serviced Loan feature is really well designed and I love it ! I’ve tested the feature and was amazed at how easy it is to take a loan using collateral and that will help newbies to the cryptospace onboard as well.I also like the Swap feature, if it’s that fast to swap assets within Polkadot on Test Net, I imagine that it will be even quicker on Main Net.

自助贷款功能设计得非常好,我很喜欢!我已经测试了这个功能,通过抵押品贷款的便捷程度令我十分惊讶,这也有助于新手进入加密空间。我也喜欢平台的 Swap 功能,如果在测试网上交换 Polkadot 资产就能这么快的话,我想主网上线后会更快。

Ryabina:One of the most incredible features is Homa protocol where you can lock your DOTs to get Liquid DOTs instead. Then use them to provide liquidity or send them to Laminar and trade synthetix assets. And all this time you get rewards from Polkadot, nominating your favorite validators.

最不可思议的功能之一是 Homa 协议,在该协议中,你可以锁定你的 DOT 来获取 LDOT。然后用它们来贡献流动性,或者把它们送到 Laminar 进行合成资产交易。这段时间里,你可以从 Polkadot 那里获得奖励,提名你最偏好的验证者。

Q5:你觉得相对于市场上其他 DeFi 项目,Acala 最大的优势在于?

南天海客:今年以来,各种 DeFi 项目就如同雨后春笋,让人稍不留神就有点招架不住的光景。有基于以太坊系的 DeFi 项目,当然也有基于波卡系的。作为波卡系的生态项目 Acala 可谓是潜力无限风光无二,但最大的优势应该还是 Acala 的去中心化跨链稳定币协议 Hozon 与释放质押流动性协议 Homa。

哦:跨链多币种的引入,使得 Acala 能够吸引新鲜的血液

Cryptor:The ability to fully customize a blockchain logic thanks to the Substrate Framework is very powerful. In my opinion, Acala’s aUSD has a very big chance to become one of the most liquid and used stable coins in the industry. Built-in DEX allows to quickly liquidate collateralized positions if needed, the prioritization for oracle transactions makes sure the price of the asset is always right at any given time, Stake Liquidity Protocol allows using KSM/DOT as collateral while also benefiting from the proof of stake incentives.

得益于 Substrate 框架,Acala 充分定制区块链逻辑的能力非常强大。在我看来,Acala 的 aUSD 很可能成为行业中流动性最强、使用最稳定的币种之一。内置的 DEX 允许在需要时快速清算抵押头寸,预言机交易的优先性确保资产价格在任何给定时间是恰当的,股权流动性协议允许使用 KSM/DOT 作为抵押品,同时也受益于股权激励的证明。

Claudio:DeFi & being funded and supported by Polkadot. As Polkadot is building a name and a brand that is expanding by the day, more people will hear about Acala Network and use its DeFi services.

DeFi & 由 Polkadot 资助和支持。随着 Polkadot 品牌的日益壮大,越来越多的人将会听说 Acala 并使用其 DeFi 服务。

Ryabina:Acala`s strong point is its finished complex product. All your DeFi products, like Dex, Loan & Earn, LDOTs are situated in “all-in-one” application, and in mobile application Polkawallet too. That’s NEXT LEVEL DeFi!

Acala的强项是其复杂的成品。所有 DeFi 产品,如 Dex、Loan & Earn、LDOT都位于“一体化”应用程序中,也位于移动应用程序 Polkawallet 中。Acala 就是下一代 DeFi!

Q6:参加全新一季的 Acala Mandala 糖果节你最大的收获是什么?如果可以的话分别描述每一周不同活动的参与感受。

南天海客:作为Acala Mandala 糖果节的早期参与者,在经历过第一期和第二期 Acala Mandala 糖果节之后,再看本期的糖果节活动,感觉确实耳目一新。以往两期的糖果节更加注重用户的参与,而并不需要特别深入的了解,可谓是浅尝即可。而这一期的糖果节活动,将用户参与和深入了解糅合在一起,既能够让参与者雨露均沾,又可以让那些花了功夫深入了解和操作平台的参与者获得比普通机械性操作的参与者更加丰厚的空投奖励。

哦:最大的收获是加深了对 DeX 套利的理解。

Cryptor:Unfortunately, I participated only in the first week but it’s always fun to test Acala’s products, the UI/UX is incredible, the team’s openness for changes is also very promising.

很遗憾,我只参加了第一周的测试活动,但是测试 Acala 的产品确实很有趣,它的使用界面美观性和使用体验感非常棒,团队对变化的开放态度也使这个项目很有前途。

Claudio:I’ve heard about it 1 week late unfortunately so I wasn’t able to take part in the first week, but I tried the leverage trading event and didn’t do so well unfortunately. Overall I had fun getting to know the Acala Mandala app and testing out its functionalities. Thankfully I was able to contribute to the festival through 2 tutorial videos.

很遗憾,活动进行到第二周我才听说这件事,所以没能参加第一周的活动,但是我尝试了杠杆交易,可惜我不擅长。总的来说,我很高兴了解了 Acala 并测试了它的功能,也很高兴我能够通过制作两个教程视频为糖果节活动做贡献。

Ryabina:In this, #3 Festival we weren’t lucky and won a few. But in the previous one we were glad to gain 66 ACA и 3333 KAR. Oh, yes, we had a lot of fun! This Festival revealed people’s interest in the Acala and Polkadot. And it was a good way to try the project without risks. We saw that it was the first experience for many users and they liked it! We even finalized our Telegram bot by the end of the 3rd week, and users could get alerts about their loan & debt status.

在为期三周的节日里,我们运气不好,只赢了几个。但是在前一次中,我们很高兴获得了 66 个ACA+ 3333 个KAR。真的玩得很开心!这个节日集中展示了人们对 Acala 和 Polkadot 的兴趣。这也是一个无风险尝试项目的好方法。我们发现对许多用户而言,这是第一次体验,他们也很喜欢!我们甚至在第三周(快闪活动)完成了 Telegram 机器人的制作,用户可以得到关于他们的贷款和债务状态的提醒。


南天海客:其实第二周的活动一开始我按照正常方式进行操作,将目标放在 laminar 杠杠交易,但是在经过几次操作之后,我基本打算放弃这次的交易大赛。因为按照常规的交易操作,不管你合约做的如何牛逼,想要获得几倍几十倍的高收益基本可以说是概率等于零。后面几天我基本上就没有怎么操作,而是把时间花在研究 Acala 平台各个模块的操作上,以期发现平台的一些弱点而为吾所用。直到最后一天,终于功夫不负有心人,发现了 LDOT 质押/提起模块和 Swap 模块之间在 DOT/LDOT 兑换利率上存在巨大的利差,而且利差还可以通过大量买入dot或者卖出dot进行操控。于是我开始在活动的最后一天,操作了一番不曾在整个交易大赛里面排名第三,还是有点小激动。不过要是 Acala 平台正式运行起来,上面操作不一定行得通,但是不管如何,差价还是有可能存在的,但是扣掉手续费还能不能套到那就不好说了。

哦:利用不同币种的差价,在 DeX 中不断的“搬砖”,实现了资产的源源不断的提升。

Claudio:I didn’t do so well that week, but I can say that the Advanced section in the Laminar platform when trading, has to be enabled to allow stop-limit features to be used and protect a trader’s trading portfolio. During the event the feature was greyed out, but I assume it will be activated for Main Net. Also the limit on 10x leverage is good because it’s not too high to make people lose their crypto very fast, as unfortunately some will trade in a gambling way and not do real TA.

那周我做得不太好,但是我可以说明的一点是在 Laminar 平台交易时,必须启用高级部分以允许使用止损功能,并保护交易者的交易组合。在活动期间,该功能按钮是灰色的,但我假设它将在主网上线时得到激活。此外,10 倍杠杆的限制是好的,因为它的价格不会太高以至于使人们很快失去他们的密码,同时,有些人甚至会以赌博的方式交易,而不是在进行真正的技术援助。

Ryabina:Yes, we participated. But that time was a hard working period for us, so we used simple strategies, e.g. long x10 BTC. And, of course, these strategies weren’t successful. We’ll work on our strategies before Mainnet =).

是的,我们参加了。但是那段时间对我们来说是一段艰苦的工作时期,所以我们使用了简单的策略,例如做多 x10 BTC。当然,这些策略并不成功,我们将会在 Mainnet 之前制定策略。

Q8:你会参加 Acala 在 Polkadot 与 Kusama 上发起的 IPO (首次平行链发行)吗?你希望以一种怎样的激励方式来加入?

南天海客:如果届时闲置资金允许的话,我还是挺希望参加 Acala 在 Polkadot 与 Kusama 上发起的 IPO 。至于以何种激励方式加入,现在还在思索之中。

哦:会的,质押 KSM 或 DOT 来为 Acala 竞拍卡槽

Cryptor:Yes. I plan to bond a portion of my DOT and KSM position to help Acala to secure the Parachain slot .

我会质押我一部分 DOT 和 KSM 来帮助 Acala 获得平行链插槽。

Claudio:Unfortunately I don’t own any Kusama to be able to take part, but I’ll be happy to participate by telling people about it and the benefits of having Acala Network on one of the parachains.

不幸的是,我没有任何 Kusama 可以参加,但我很乐意通过告诉人们关于 IPO 的事和在 Acala 成为平行链的好处。

Ryabina:We are looking forward to the IPO. Before Polkadot it was not possible to participate in such events. Our KSMs and DOTs are already prepared to vote for Acala. Moreover, even before our partnership, we voted for Acala in Council elections.

我们期待着 IPO ,在 Polkadot 出现之前我们没机会参加这样的活动。我们的 KSM 和 DOT 已经准备好帮助 Acala 获得平行链插槽。此外,甚至在合作之前我们就已经在议会选举中投票支持 Acala 。

Q9:你对未来 Acala 主网与先行网上线有什么期待?

南天海客:从个人角度来说,还是希望 Acala 主网上线不要让一众小伙伴等的太久,毕竟 Acala 主网越早上线,大家便越早可以使用 Acala 平台的各种丰富的功能了。

哦:很期待早点上线,体验一下 Dex 和抵押借贷。

Cryptor:I expect chaos, more innovations, the refinement of Acala’s protocols, the successful initial parachain offering, and more exciting partnerships.

我期待更多创新,Acala 协议的完善,首次成功接入平行链,以及更令人激动的合作关系。

Claudio:I don’t know enough about Karura to have an opinion, it’s something I need to look more into, but any kind of integration to help the ecosystem scale and improve can only be beneficial !

我对 Karura 的了解还不够多,无法发表意见,这也是我需要深入研究的问题,但任何有助于生态系统规模和改善的整合都将会是有益的!

Ryabina:It’s not a secret that the whole concept of canary network in the example of Kusama Network achieved great success! Community is fantastic! Can’t wait for Karura. As a Ryabina team and as Ryabina people we lay huge expectations on Acala. We believe that Acala is one of the best performances in crypto in the near future.

Kusama 网络中,众所周知 Canary 网络的整个概念取得了巨大的成功!社区太棒了!等不及 Karura 了。作为一个 Ryabina 团队和 Ryabina 成员,我们都对 Acala 寄予厚望。我们相信在不久的将来, Acala 会在加密市场中大放异彩。

Q10:最后,可以写一些你想对 Acala 团队想说的话。

南天海客:通过历次糖果节活动的参与以及在500人Acala大群里面的种种耳濡目染,我认为Acala团队不仅是一个技术扎实的团队,更是一个相当负责任的团队。虽然内心希望 Acala 主网可以早点上线,但还是建议 Acala 项目团队不要太急,对产品进行进一步的打磨,让 Acala 平台的各种功能更加稳定、易用以及安全。俗话说:慢工出细活。我相信等到 Acala 主网正式上线的那一天,必将让众人惊叹不已。


Cryptor:I just wanna say thanks to the team for creating a better decentralized financial future for humanity. And a special shot out to Ruitao Su and Bette Chen. I saw your recent interview with Camila Russo and I really hope to see Acala as a sovereign blockchain or a digital jurisdiction transacting with other digital jurisdictions. Very exciting future.

我只想感谢团队为人类创造了一个属于 DeFi 更好的未来。特别地,对于 Ruitao Su 和Bette Chen ,我看了你们最近接受 Camila Russo 的采访,我真的希望看到 Acala 成为一条有自主权的链,能作为一个数字司法机构和别的机构交互,我希望能够遇见到非常激动人心的未来。

Claudio:You’re doing a great job so far with Test Net! I’m eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to participate in a token sale and to see Acala Network do well and be recognised as a powerhouse in the Polkadot ecosystem !

目前为止,你们在测试网上做得很好!我热切期待有机会参与购买,并看到 Acala  越来越好并被公认为 Polkadot 生态系统中的权威!

Ryabina:Thanks to Bette, all our questions and inquiries are performed very quickly. Thanks for support and for being in contact when needed.

From our side we want to thank all the team for this great product - Acala Network - and ask what else the community can bring into Acala. 

多亏 Bette,我们所有的问题和询问都很快得到了解答。感谢您的支持并且在我们需要时仍能保持联系。从我们的角度来说,我们要感谢整个团队创造出的伟大产品—— Acala ,并且想询问社区还能为 Acala 带来什么。



Acala ——全球首个去中心化开放式金融联盟,旨在联合 Polkadot 生态系统创建开放式金融框架。Acala 由支持跨链多资产抵押的稳定币 Honzon 协议和释放质押资产流动性 Homa 协议组成,旨在为全球加密资产带来稳定性,提高流动性。目前 Acala 得到了 Web3 基金会官方资金支持,并获得 Polychain、Hashkey、KR1 等在内的数家全球知名机构的投资。



Acala TC4 糖果节历程总结

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